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Town Clerk

Contact Information

Town Clerk & Tax Collector

Denise Hood2 yr Term - Exp. 12/31/2025

Hours of Operation:
Monday - Tuesday - Thursday
8:00 a.m. - Noon and 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. (Closed during lunch hour)

8:00 a.m. - Noon and 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. and  5:00 - 7:00 p.m. (Closed during lunch & dinner hour)

Dog Licenses, Water Bills & Tax Bills may be mailed or placed in the drop box located at the south entrance of the Town Hall.

Deputy Clerks:
Mary Ann Trickey
Shawn Cotter

Water Bill Payments: 

To Pay by Mail via Check/Money Order/Bank Drafts:
Hopewell Water Districts
2716 County Road #47
Canandaigua, NY 14424

Checks Payable to: Hopewell Water Districts 
-Please write your account number on your check.

To Pay in Person via Check/Cash/Debit Card/Credit Card:
Town Clerk Office
2716 County Road #47
Canandaigua, New York

To Pay by Phone via Debit/Credit Cards:
Phone: (585) 394-0036 ext. 1


Please note a Convenience Fee charged using Debit/Credit Cards. Please contact Town Clerk for details.

Town Clerk Duties:

Notary Public: The Town Clerk offers a notary service at no charge.  A notary witnesses and authenticates documents and performs certain other acts of verifying papers.   (Please remember:  the notary MUST witness the signing of the document).

Public Relations Officer:  The Clerk's Office is considered the center of local government, an information source and gateway for the community to the offices of the Town and other government agencies and services.

Recording Secretary:  Authors minute books, the only official record of the activities of Town government.  The resulting volumes are retained permanently for legal and historic purposes.

Records Management Officer:  Custodian of all Town records, responsible for active files, storage and disposition of inactive records, and the careful maintenance of archival material.

Administrator of the Freedom of Information Law:  This Law guarantees your right to know the workings of the government. Information can be found here.

Filing Officer:  Maintains records of adopted Town Ordinances and Local Laws, Town Oaths of Office, resignations, petitions, proof of publications, annual budgets, assessment rolls, fiscal reports, bond/note registers, zoning ordinances and maps.  Maintains public signboard, advertises and receives bids for purchase of Town materials, files burial permits from cemeteries located within the Town.

Licensing Officer:  Issues State licenses/permits, including marriage, dog, conservation (hunting and fishing), games of chance, bingo and handicapped parking.  Issues Town licenses/permits mandated by Local Law (i.e. recycling/trash)

Cash Control Officer:  Is responsible for numerous duties related to billing, and the collection and disbursement of funds.   All incoming cash is recorded and disbursed to State, County and local fiscal officers.   The Town Clerk also contributes to Town and departmental budget preparation, management of petty cash, general purchasing and assisting with State and internal audits.

Registrar of Vital Statistics:  Keeper of all birth, death and marriage records within our community, issuing birth, death and marriage certificates, burial permits, as well as conducting genealogical searches.

Secretary to the Town Board:  Involving various secretarial duties as well as correspondence.

Tax Collector:  In Hopewell, as well as in many other Towns, the Town Clerk is also the Tax Collector

Water Billing Collector: Responsible in collecting water billing payments.